Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Ryzhuk Yuliia Mykolaivna

department:Department of Public and International Law
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:candidate of law sciences
Worked at KNEU since 2002 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Law (2002), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State (2007), Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law (2012), Associate Professor (2017), Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Criminal Law, Deputy Head of the Department (2020), Professor of the Department of Theoretical Jurisprudence (2022).
In 2002 she graduated from the Law Faculty of Kyiv National Economic University, having received a full higher education in the specialty "Law" and the qualification of the Master for Legal Regulation of Economics.
From November 2007 to April 2017, she performed the duties of the Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty on Educational Work.
February 2012, PhD, topic: "Constitutional and Legal Fundamentals of Human Economic Rights and Freedoms", specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional legislation; Municipal law.
December 2015, the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law.
The participant of the International Project of Technical Assistance of the European Union "Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position (AESOP)" (No. 561640-ep-2015-1-AZ-OPPKA2-CBH-JP), Erasmus+programs.
Since December, 2021 Expert of National Agency For Higher Education Quality Assurance.
Since November, 2020 Guarantor Of The Educational And Professional Program At The First (Bachelor's) Level "Law Of Public And Political Activity", Specialty 081 Law.
Since September 2022, the Scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the Law Institute.