About the centerThe Center was established by the Rector of the Academic Council of the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" on September 26, 2013.
The center is administrative and coordinating structural division of the University, which manages its research and innovation activities. Its mission is to create necessary conditions for the provision of the university leadership to generate, transfer economic knowledge and to develop innovative business.
The activity of the Center provides continuity for creating new knowledge, sharing it and implementing it in the educational process and business practices. It trains and certifies scientific personnel of the highest qualification, protects the rights of scientific property and transfers technologies, verifies scientific information and coordinates scientific research both within and outside the university, conducts innovation activity and the implementation of its results.
Regulation on the Center for Scientific Research and Innovation of the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman"
- training of scientific personnel of the highest qualification in postgraduate and doctoral studies; - development of doctoral studies on the basis of scientific schools of the university; - use of experience and potential of leading domestic and foreign scientists and schools in preparation of candidates and doctors of sciences; - improving the system of training of highly qualified personnel in order to increase the competitiveness of university researchers; - broad attraction of talented young people in research and innovation activities; - organization and coordination of basic and applied research in priority areas of economic and legal sciences; - implementation of the scientific management system of the university; - forecasting the directions and scales of basic and applied research of the university, their constant internal audit and monitoring; - coordination of the activities of departments and research institutes in the implementation of fundamental and applied topics financed from the state budget of Ukraine; - coordination of the participation of scientific personnel of the university in the implementation of projects for state and corporate funding of research, national and international grants, scholarships, awards, etc. .; - development of the system of protection of intellectual property rights of the university; - training of specialists in the field of economics, management and law on the basis of the latest achievements of science in accordance with the needs of specialists of the new generation; - development and implementation in the educational process of new curricula in the relevant economic, legal and human sciences; - ensuring proper mass media and Internet representation of the scientific activity of the university, effective scientific public relations and branding of its scientific schools; - creation of necessary economic, infrastructural and social conditions for the most complete use, development and realization of scientific and innovative potential of the university; - comprehensive assistance to departments, research institutes and scientists of the university in establishing international scientific relations to maintain the high rating of the university in the world system of science and education; - development of the financial basis of scientific research through the use of extra-budgetary funds and innovation activities; - support and stimulation of scientific activity of leading teachers and young scientists of the university through holding annual competitions "The best teacher-researcher", "Leader of the year", the best textbook of the year, the best monograph of the year, etc .; - holding scientific conferences, exhibitions, presentations, etc .; - formation of an electronic database of the achievements of scientific schools of the university; - formation of the plan of scientific publications taking into account the proposals of the departments and control over its implementation; - informing the university management about the results of monitoring the scientific achievements of departments and research institutes; - expert evaluation of scientific achievements of the university in comparison with domestic and foreign analogues. Last redaction: 31.08.20 |