Department of coordination and monitoring of periodicalsThe Department of Coordination and Monitoring of Periodicals is a structural subdivision of the University within the Center for Science and Innovation. The department was established by the order of the Rector of the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" № 278 dated April 10, 2019. The main tasks of the Department are: - study of world experience and provide recommendations on compliance of scientific periodicals and publications with international standards; - research of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the international and domestic markets of scientific professional periodicals; - analytical and informational support of the functioning of the editorial boards of periodicals and coordination of their work; - information support and recommendations on the inclusion of scientific professional periodicals of the University in international scientific and metric databases; - implementation of prevention measures at the University of all types of academic plagiarism; - monitoring the results of publishing activities of scientific professional periodicals of the University and evaluating its effectiveness; - publication of the results of publishing activities of scientific professional periodicals of the University; - submission of applications together with the editorial and publishing department for tenders for the printing of periodicals to the relevant departments; - tracking the citation indices of the works of the University scientists in different bibliographic systems together with the University library; - organization and holding of seminars, meetings, round tables, trainings and conferences, including international ones, on topical issues of coordination and monitoring of periodicals and prevention of plagiarism. Regulations on the department of coordination and monitoring of periodicals Regulations on scientific professional periodicals Prevention of academic plagiarism INFORMATION ON INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC METRIC DATABASES Number of publications in publications indexed in the international scientometric database Scopus Last redaction: 13.07.20 |