Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Review policy

In order to ensure a high scientific level and quality of articles published in the journal "modeling and information systems in economics", all materials submitted to the editorial office are subject to mandatory review.
The journal adheres to international standards of publication ethics in accordance with the international ethical rules of the committee on Ethics in publications COPE (Committee on publication ethics).
Articles submitted to the Journal are reviewed confidentially according to the principles of double-blind review (two-way "blind" review, when neither the author nor the reviewer know each other's names). The author and reviewers are contacted exclusively through e-mail correspondence with the Executive Secretary of the editorial board.
Articles submitted to the editorial office are checked for compliance with the requirements for the structure and design of materials, and then sent to reviewers appointed by the editor-in-Chief.
Based on the results of familiarization with the manuscript of the article reviewers send one of the recommendations to the editorial office:
1. recommend the article for publication.
2.recommend the article for publication after completion by the author, taking into account the comments.
3.recommend the article for publication after a radical revision (in this case, the article is sent for re-review).
4. recommend refusing to publish an article indicating the reasons for such a decision.
The editorial board sends the reviewer's recommendations to the author by e-mail. The author, having received recommendations, takes them into account and finalizes or reworks the article, or sends a reasonable refusal to accept the recommendations (comments) of reviewers.
After correcting the comments or accepting the author's justification, the editorial board makes a final decision on the publication of the article.
All copyrights are reserved to the authors of the articles.
Last redaction: 24.02.21