Students’ Academic UnionDear students and teachers!
In a society where knowledge economy obtains a leading position, an important role is played by education and research. But, as we know the way of obtaining knowledge is challenging enough. However, even this complex process can be made interesting and effective! That is why Students’ Academic Union has been working hard for the good of the university. Students’ Academic Union is a leading self-governing organization that joins volunteer university students by promoting conditions of transparency, honesty and openness of the educational process. SAU is a link between students and teachers to make their communication efficient, to enable students to bring to their university administration their view upon the learning process. SAU protects the rights and interests of the students, their right to participation in the governing the University, provides an opportunity for creative and personal realization, developing leadership skills of the students. It should be noted that the Students’ Academic Union represents the interests of the entire student community, a member of which you become, entering the University There are 5 main directions in the work of the Union: improvement of the quality of education, monitoring of the training process, cooperation with departments in management of the training process, training ethics and educational work, public relations. According to these areas of work special committees function in each department and at the university level. Students’ Academic Union:
It’s natural that the Students’ Academic Union protects the interests of students. The University has accumulated experience of treatment of written statements of the students on various issues, when they asked SAU for help and assistance in certain cases. It should be noted that the Students’ Academic Union is empowered with special responsibility: Each academic group has a representative of SAU, who represents the interests of students of a certain academic group at the meeting. Activity of the monitor is regulated by the Regulations for monitor. But this does not mean that it is only the monitor who can attend the meetings of SAU. All students of KNEU have an equal right to participate in student self-government and representation in Studens’t Academic Union. Studens’t Academic Union is a practical school for those who want to try their hand as a manager, administrator, leader, it is the possibility to implement socially important projects that will be beneficial to the entire student community. There are still a lot of useful events and interesting meetings. So we are happy to invite you to join activities aimed at the best results!