Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Digital Technology in Entrepreneurship

1. The purpose of studying the discipline. Its relationship with other disciplines of the curriculum

The purpose of the discipline: to acquaint applicants of a scientific degree with modern views in the field of digital technologies in entrepreneurship, as well as the theory, methodology and applied tools of digital transformation of business and the implementation on this basis of analytical, research and scientific activity.

Interdisciplinary communications: The discipline "Digital Technology in Entrepreneurship" is based on the knowledge, skills and applied skills acquired in the study of the disciplines "Innovative Business", "Methodology of Economic Research", "Economics of Innovation", "Digital Marketing" and other economic disciplines.


2. Programmed learning outcomes and competencies that the student will acquire after studying the discipline:


- understand the basic concepts, theoretical and applied problems of using digital technologies in the field of entrepreneurship;

- demonstrate the consistency of the scientific worldview, carry out a critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new ideas in the field of digital transformation in business.

- critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas regarding the digital aspects of entrepreneurial activity;


- develop and implement projects on the use of digital technologies, including their own research, which make it possible to rethink existing and create new holistic knowledge and / or professional practice and solutions to significant social, scientific, cultural, ethical and other problems;

- generate new ideas in the field of digital technology in entrepreneurship.

- make informed decisions regarding the digital aspects of entrepreneurship;

- plan, organize, conduct special scientific research and implement their results in the field of digital transformation of business models of business entities


- communicate in a dialogue mode with the wide scientific community on the issues of digital technologies in entrepreneurship;

- state professional disciplines in the specialty "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities" using modern digital teaching technologies.

Autonomy and responsibility:

- initiate innovative integrated projects for the implementation of digital technologies in entrepreneurial activity, demonstrate leadership and complete autonomy in their implementation;

- identify, formulate and solve relevant scientific and applied problems of introducing digital technologies into entrepreneurship;

- implement social responsibility for the results of strategic decisions in the field of digital technologies;

- self-development and self-improvement throughout life, be responsible for teaching others.


Last redaction: 16.07.20