Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Accounting in the management of a business entity

The aim of mastering science: formation of professional knowledge in the specialty.
The task of science, of students' knowledge about the optimal use of methodological tools of accounting in business management, structure and principles of reporting on the requested management to study management solutions, training material and relevant information to build forecasting activities company.
Results of educational:
Upon completion of the study of science students must:
- know: the role and importance of accounting in business management functions of the system; technology of accounting information and specifications, to which it must respond to the needs of management; especially the development of accounting principles in accordance with modern management concepts; mechanism of accounting estimates and accounting methods to influence the necessary indicators of financial condition and financial results; organizational principles and principles of reporting for managerial staff on the basis of accounting; approaches to the determination of value in the accounting system; components of sustainable development enterprises to proper organization of your display;
- be able to: generate the necessary administrative documentation of the accounting of the economic justification for management decisions; make management reporting with a view to providing information management solutions for rational use of resources of the enterprise; form a set of essential and relevant information to determine the projected activities of the enterprise; advise management regarding the company's accounting information provided in the accounting statements; use reporting accounting information and tools of economic analysis to diagnosis and assessing the financial situation, performance of the entity; justify management decisions on social policy of the company; prepare reports on financing environmental programs the company and the level of commitment by them; use resources accounting to reduce the risks of the enterprise through the study of predictive data; establish quality information formed in accounting.
The content of science is revealed in the following topics: accounting information system management. The accounting information in enterprise management. The accounting policies: impact on the financial position of the company. Principles, methods and techniques of training of managerial accounting. Accounting to manage enterprise value. Balanced Scorecard in the formation of accounting and analytical software management. Accounting in managing enterprise risk. Accounting for sustainable enterprise development. Evaluation of the quality of accounting information accounting system.

Last redaction: 04.09.24