Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Article order

Dear authors!

According to prescript of High Attestation Commission of Ukraine №7-05/1 from 15.01.2003, concerning publishing in periodicals, the article, which is rendered to be issued in scientific work collection "Finance, accounting and audit”, has to contain such necessary elements (marked as subtitles):
• stating the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical objectives;
• latest research and issue analysis;
• emphasizing on parts of general problem unsolved earlier, to which the article is dedicated;
• statement of the aim and the task of the research;
• main research presentation with solid arguments of received scientific results;
• conclusion and investigation prospects in set direction;
• bibliography.

The articles should contain substantial scientific results, which can be of the theoretical character (to contribute in theoretical and methodological development of corresponding specialties), as well as practical character (to contain the solution of particular applied problem). The results will be scored according to their scientific potential.

The articles should correspond to scientific specialties “Money, finances and credit” or “Accounting, analysis and audit”.

Every article has to be submitted in duplicate in printed form, electronic copy and surely with external opinion. Also, the opinion of member of editorial staff and (for postgraduates and researchers) –the opinion of scientific advisor has to be added.
Language of article - Ukrainian. Volume – up to 10 sheets А4. The author must fill in the form and pass it to the editorial staff (printed and electronic copies).
Presentation of articles to the editorial staff according to department quota is accomplished personally and only through the representatives, appointed by Head of corresponded department (guidance work assistants and other seniors). The information concerning articles quota has been rendered to Heads of departments (final departments of FEF, KEF, AEF and FEAI). Representatives of other Universities submit their articles only after advanced approval with the editorial staff.

In case of delay of article presentation by department representatives, the editorial staff keeps the right to change the conditions of just proportion in favor of the articles of other authors represented in time.

For publishing in collection the preferences will be given to the articles of leading scientists and well known professionals. The articles of good quality, which cannot be published for want of collection volume, with author’s consent, will be issued in future or returned to the author. The articles, which in editorial staff’s opinion do not meet the existing requirements of scientific article - will be declined.