Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Osypova Olha Ihorivna

department:Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics

Olha Osypova

Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, 03057 Kyiv, Ukraine




Academic Education:

PhD in Economics (2016), Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Thesis: "System of food sесurity level evaluation models in the regions of Ukraine ".

ME in Economic Cybernetics (2009), Central Ukrainian National Technical University.

BE in Economic Cybernetics (2008), Central Ukrainian National Technical University.


Professional Experience:


Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics—since 2018

Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics—2016-2018

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics—2009-2016


Special Education and Courses:

Certificate (Honored) Python/R for Data Science, Itea IT School (Ukraine), March 2021—May 2021

Certificate Python Base, Itea IT School (Ukraine), September 2020—November 2020

Grade Education Centre, English Language Courses (Level B2) — 2021


Research areas: Data Analysis, Econometrics, Quantitative Methods in Economics,Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications