Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Project Management and Consulting (in Ukrainian)

The list of diploma papers 2012-2013
Program Supervisor - Veronica A. Verba, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Business Strategy Department, Director of Management Counseling Institute of KNEU.
Preamble. Dynamic global environment in which Ukrainian enterprises operate, demands flexibility and adaptability which require a specific set of actions that are executed in the form of various projects, that involve internal and external consultants. Project management becomes a tool for the effective implementation of strategic development plans and ensure the stability of operating of companies, which leads to the need for relevant professionals - project managers and specialists in management consulting.
Target audience. The "Project Management and Consulting"  Program is aimed at listeners seeking training in two specialties - "Economics of Enterprise" and "Project Management", the latter of which is confirmed by international certificate IPMA "Junior Project Manager." Graduates of the Program who have high average grade, share professional standards and code of ethics of management consultants, have the opportunity to get a certificate of Intern consultant of Ukrainian Association of Management Consultants (IMC-Ukraine), which provides a competitive advantage in the labor market.

The main objectives of the program:
• to equip Program graduates with the latest knowledge and skills in the chosen area of vocational training;
• to provide interested persons the opportunity to develop the qualities of researchers and scientists;
• to ensure that the students obtain skills in team working, reasoning and decision-making and the formation of project implementation, acquisition of presentation skills.

Features that enhance the quality of education and competitiveness of its graduates:
• attraction of teaching staff with long-standing practice of cooperation with Ukrainian enterprises in the form of consulting projects and conducting corporate training;
• combining the advanced content of disciplines with practical training of students;
• interactive teaching methods, involving the use of case studies, role plays, work in teams;
• development and presentation of individual and group projects;
• conducting training using contemporary software MsProject.
Details about the Program "Project Management and Consulting" (in Ukrainian)