Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

CIVICA European Week 202508 Березня 2025р.

Dear colleagues,


Possibility to participate in the annual CIVICA European Week 2025!

This year, the CIVICA European Week 2025 will take place between 23-27 June at The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) in Bucharest. The theme is: "Youth Power! Looking into a More Inclusive Future". SNSPA has agreed to open the event to 1 bachelor student and 2 accompanying staff members with expertise on EU policy making, stakeholder engagement, youth policy (with a good level of English).


The financial conditions are the following: 

  • Travel costs arranged by the home institution (Ukrainian partner institution)

  • Accommodation and meals: covered by the host institution (SNSPA)

To take part in the annual CIVICA European Week 2025 applicants are to submit their motivation letter and CV to KNEU Centre for Academic Mobility (ciam@kneu.edu.ua



Deadline: 07.04.2025