Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Structure and Financing of Higher Education in Russia, Ukraine and the EU

Structure and Financing of Higher Education in Russia, Ukraine and the EU (Higher Education Policy Series, 41) by P. G. Hare (Author), Paul G. Hare (Editor). – Paperback, – March, 1997. – ISBN-13: 978-1853024429

The papers in this book discuss the goals and constraints facing institutions of higher education in Russia, Ukraine, and the European Union countries. In the European Union countries budgetary pressures and the increasing number of students attending institutions of higher education have resulted in serious financial difficulties for many institutions, which in turn have given rise to attempts to assess the quality and quantity of educational "output." In Russia and Ukraine, higher education reforms are being attempted in an unfavorable macroeconomic climate, with the added institutional complication of separating research and teaching functions.

Part I. General Issues
1. Conceptual Issues in the Analysis of Higher Education: Application to Russia and Ukraine
Paul Hare, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
2. The Changing Nature of Higher Education in Western Europe
Ulrich Teichler, University of Kassel
Part II. Country Papers
3. The Funding of Higher Education in the United Kingdom
Geraint Johnes, Lancaster University
4. Funding of Higher Education in Germany
Helmut Winkler, University of Kassel
5. Structure and Financing of Higher Education in Russia
Mikhail Lugachyov, Moscow State University
Andrei Markov, Moscow State University
Nickolai Tipenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Sergei Belyakov, State University of the Russian Federation on Higher Education, Moscow 
6. Higher Education in Ukraine: Structure and Financing
Vladimir Savchuk, Peter Luzik, Ivan Gal, and Valery Oparin, Kiev State University of Economics
The Contributors
Subject Index
Author Index222


Остання редакція: 26.01.15