Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Taiwan MOE Scholarship Programs for Ukrainian Students21 Квітня 2023р.

Education Division of Taipei Representative Office in Poland would like to inform you about two scholarship programs currently offered to Ukrainian students by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan): Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship. The two scholarships are aimed to encourage Ukrainian students pursuing education in Taiwan, as well as to promote friendship and understanding between Ukraine and Taiwan while fostering academic links. Students with Ukrainian nationality can now apply for the scholarships via our office.
Taiwan Scholarship is a scholarship program for degree studies in Taiwan (bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate studies, with a monthly stipend between 500-700 USD), while Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is a program financing Mandarin studies in accredited language centers in Taiwan (monthly stipend of around 815 USD). Detailed information about the programs and the application process can be found on our website: