Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Ukrainian students can apply for tuition free studies in 2023_ Tallinn University24 Квітня 2023р.

Ukrainian students can apply for tuition free studies in 2023


For the duration of next academic yearUkrainian students, who start their studies at Tallinn University from September 2023, will have an opportunity to study for free. Ukrainian applicants can submit applications to start their studies at Tallinn University until the 1st of June via the DreamApply platform.


The applicants can choose between different Bachelor's and Master's programmes, but please note that the number of tuition free study places is limited. 


At least a B2 level of English language proficiency is required to study in Tallinn University as this is the main language of instruction for most of the programmes offered. There are also some places for exchange studies. See the link below or contact us directly via admissions@tlu.ee in case you are interested in continuing your studies in Tallinn.