Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Public Opinion Analysis on Urban and Regional Programming04 Січня 2021р.

Dear friends! Let's start the year for good!
Urban and regional planning is in a state of transition today. The authorities and the political decision-making process should take into account the needs of the people, the priorities of the inhabitants, and the changing nature of the governance procedure (especially e-governance).
 For political personnel, the decision-making process should include people’s involvement. The authorities should organize deliberative institutions and monitor and evaluate the deliberation and the decision-making process, enforcing people’s participation and functioning.
Public opinion analysis can be an important tool in building the institutional framework of regional and urban administration. Analysis methods can research and provide a clear context of people’s views, attitudes, and preferences.
We welcome chapters focusing on e-governance and its contribution to facilitating analysis methods and, therefore, people’s involvement in regional planning.
Contributors from all regions across the globe and across disciplines are encouraged.
Keywords of manuscript:
 - urban and regional planning
- decision-making
- monitoring and evaluation
- public opinion analysis
- deliberation
- local government
- e-governance
- policymaking
Your manuscripts may have:
- Introduction
-  The introduction 
-  Materials and Methods
-  Results
-  Discussion: 
-  Conclusions & Patents are not mandatory
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2021
More info https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Public_Opinion_Analysis_Urban_Regional_Programming