Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Fight Climate Change now - Education for a green future03 Лютого 2020р.

These summer university-programs for students who intrested in Climate change: 

Green.Building.Solutions. – July, 18th to August, 9th
Taking place for the 10th time in 2020 in Vienna, students of architecture, construction, engineering and similar fields get deeper insights into sustainable construction, renewable energies and alternative building concepts from renowned Austrian experts! During lectures, site visits and workshops, the participants make an intercultural and interdisciplinary experience in Austria’s main capital, which is also a pioneer of ecological building: Vienna. While staying in a passive house themselves, the students are able to act as a multiplier of pioneering knowledge and future change makers back in their home countries.

Application until March 31st, 2020 at https://summer-university.net/study-abroad/green-building-solutions-vienna/!
Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems – July, 20th to August, 7th
Do you want to learn more about how the economic system contributes to climate change and what we can do about it?
At the AEMS summer school students of all fields will get to know the interactions between the environment, society and economy, as well as hear about possible reform approaches for the economic and monetary systems.
The program includes lectures, workshops, discussion panels, as well as social activities. Money matters – so, let’s make it matter in greening the future, too!
Application until 15 April, 2020 at https://summer-university.net/study-abroad/aems-vienna/application/