Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Alternative approaches for sustainable development | GBS and AEMS10 Червня 2020р.

Most of the recent developments have shown that new trains of thought and alternative approaches for a sustainable development are needed more than ever! With this in mind, we offer the following English-speaking online programs for students, who are interested in exploring ideas for a green future benefitting all of society:



Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS) - 18 July to 9 August, 2020 | 7 ECTS | ONLINE

As a Master-level program, the GBS Summer University invites students of architecture, construction, engineering and similar fields to gain expert knowledge about sustainable and ecological building alternatives - deepening their knowledge on passive house technology, renewable energy production and integrated urban planning. 

Are you passionate to find out how to make living more sustainable and create greener cities? Click here for more information and application.



Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems - 20 July to 7 August, 2020 | 5 ECTS | ONLINE

The AEMS Summer School explores possible alternatives to the current growth-based economic and unstable financial systems with focus on the global climate emergency. During this year’s program, students of all fields also dive into solutions for the financial crisis triggered by the Corona pandemic.


Do you want to learn more about how the economic system contributes to climate change and what we can do about it? Click here for more information and application.



Scholarships are available for both programs - Application deadline: 21 June, 2020