Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

EFRI Summer School 202020 Травня 2020р.

Dear colleagues,

 It is our pleasure to announce the International EFRI Summer School "International Environment and the European Integration" which will be held ONLINE this year in organization of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka (EFRI),Croatia, from July 6, to July 18, 2020.   

The amount of registration fee is 300,00 EUR.  

The goal of the EFRI Summer School is, since 2005, to broaden the knowledge of students of economics, law, political sciences, administration and other related studies on the economic integration process in Europe, and to point out the advantages and challenges of economic integration in everyday life, as well as the prospects and controversies of the international business environment. The Summer School programme consists of lectures, workshops and student assignments to be completed in groups with the support of academic supervisors. Upon successful completion of the School, students will be awarded with 6 ECTS.


-       We are a public University founded in 1973, as the second University founded in Croatia. EFRI itself has been founded in 1961 and has approximately 2000 students, 40 full time professors and 20 research and teaching assistants. We offer bachelor and master university studies (3 2), postgraduate specialist studies and a 3-year doctoral study programme, all in Economics and Business Administration areas. Further information is available on: https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en .

We participated in various international projects, applying for funds within IPA, ESF, FP7, SEE Transnational and lifelong learning programmes, especially within the European LLP Jean Monnet programmes, and are a member of AACSB, EFMD, working hard to get EFMD, EQUIS and AACSB accreditations. Since 1971 we are continuously publishing a scientific journal, abstracted and indexed in WoS SSCI, EconLit, Scopus and other relevant databases.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to distribute this announcement to your colleagues, who may find it interesting, and especially to potential participants. All the information and the application forms are available at our website: https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en/summer_school/9

We would be very thankful if you could notify your students about our programme and perhaps put the link on your official web-pages. Our official and  Facebook fun-page, with reviews and additional information can be found on following links: 

1.  https://summerschool-efri.com/

2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/EFRISummerSchoolRijeka/reviews/?ref=page_internal

Also, please inform students that the registration to the Summer School is completely online and available at: https://form.jotformeu.com/40427518749361


Please be informed that according to our program policy we are not signing any visa guarantee letters for non-EU participants, so candidates from non-EU countries have to find another way for getting Croatian or Schengen visa.