Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Еразмус Тиждень для викладачів у Західному Університеті м.Тімішоара (Румунія)12 Вересня 2022р.

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara/ West University of Timișoara is very pleased to announce its 11th edition of the Erasmus International Week: 24th – 28th October 2022, taking place in a face-to-face format, in TimișoaraRomania.

This edition of our Erasmus International 
Week targets both academic and administrative staff members from WUT’s partner universities in Ukraine, that are interested in knowing more about us, as well as exploring the challenges and opportunities of the Erasmus Programme and the process of internationalization in the field of higher education in Europe and worldwide. Details are here.

The main objective of organizing a week dedicated exclusively to our Ukrainian partners is to connect a significant number of colleagues with counterparts from WUT’s faculties and/or administrative departments, so as to develop connections and clear, concrete ideas through which to offer our institutional support.

Please find attached a proposal for the schedule of the week, which includes: presentation(s) of WUT and partner institutions, workshop(s) on internationalization of HEIs, teaching activities, job shadowing session, networking events (welcome lunch, welcome dinner, city tour, coffee breaks, farewell dinner etc.).

In order to ensure participation of colleagues from Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) to our Erasmus International Week, we are offering Erasmus+ funding to support 2 incoming staff mobilities, either for teaching or training purposes. Please take into account that in case of teaching mobility, we are allowed to welcome at WUT academic staff members interested in teaching in one of the Subject Areas specified in our Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement, which are: Accounting, Marketing, Management, Finance and Banking.

The Erasmus+ grant for each mobility is calculated as follows:

- grant for subsistence: 140 euros/day (i.e. a total of 980 euro for 5 days of activity+2 days travel)

- grant for transport: 275 euros

Для участі у конкурсі просимо зацікавлених викладачів та адмін.персонал надсилати на ciam@kneu.edu.ua до 25 вересня 2022 включно:

  • CV у форматі  Europass
  • Мотиваційний лист англійською мовою

Чекаємо на Ваші заявки та бажаємо успіхів!