Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

United4News | Building Democratic Resilience against Disinformation15 Вересня 2020р.

Dear Students,

Glad  to inform you about a unique full scholarship opportunity that the Visegrad School of Political Studies and the European Academy of Diplomacy  is offering to 15 political and social leaders interested in building resilience against disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe. During two in-person sessions (Warsaw, Kyiv), one online session (World Forum for Democracy), and 15 local workshops (conducted by each participant in his/her local community), the participants will discuss country-specific challenges and successful examples of building democratic resilience to “fake news” and propaganda.

The program will offer 15 leaders from Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Poland, critical skills, and knowledge to take a leap into public leadership and politics.

The program will offer a selected group of 15 civic and political activists:

  • Knowledge of how to understand disinformation tools and methods;
  • Discussions on country-specific challenges and successful examples of building democratic resilience to “fake news” and propaganda;
  • An opportunity to establish a regional network of leaders, ready to take responsibility for promoting a more mature political culture in their respective countries;
  • Involvement in a discussion about disinformation in Europe.

The application deadline is October 19th, 2020.

Please note that the structure of the program might change due to SARS-CoV-2 restrictions for the safety of the participants.

To learn more about the program or apply please see: https://visegradschool.org/event/united-4-news

If you have any additional questions please contact our VSPS team at: info@visegradschool.org

Annex №1  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eYEDIiN8PqG-ivwEYJlz_4CQvIwNBAee/view?usp=sharing