Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

International symposium on "Violence" in June, 202003 Лютого 2020р.

We are looking for delegate who will be attending the conference.

The main idea of conference is realization of freedom as a value and the underlying principle of democracy pose new challenges to the modern world. By the way, belief and expression, participation in associations and organizations, the rule of law, individuality are impossible without freedom.

The working sections of the symposium are:

  • Law and Politics Section: Law, International Relations, Public Administration and Political Science.
  • Humanities and Social Section: Religion, Culture, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Civic Education.
  • Information Technology Section: Cybercrime, Ecology.

Deadline: 14th of February

Web–site:  www.aneu.ge