Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Upcoming CIVICA event 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness21 Жовтня 2024р.

19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness


Event date:
24.10.2024, 13:00 - 17:00


The World Economy Research Institute at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics is pleased to announce the 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness: "Health and Wellbeing in a Competitive Landscape".

Global economy is facing many challenges, such as environmental degradation, climate change, natural disasters, unfavorable demographic trends and problems related to population migration.  In the face of new challenges and high-risk and uncertainty, the question arises as to the adequacy of the concept of competitiveness to explain why some countries are raising their welfare levels and improving their citizens’ quality of life faster than others? In the context of the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, health seems to be an important area of focus for societies, especially scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians. The concept of competitiveness links health to welfare and quality of life, but studies devoted directly to this topic in the context of the competitiveness of economies are scarce. Health is mostly conceived as a component of human capital and is considered in this broader dimension, combined with education, in research on competitiveness. For this reason, the conference addresses the issue of health as a factor of competitiveness and also focuses on more subjective health-related elements, such as happiness and well-being.

Numerous economic studies are driven by the complex idea of competitiveness, which reveals new factors influencing socioeconomic development and their interactions. Among other topics covered in the discourse on competitiveness are:

  • the theoretical background of the issue of international competitiveness, taking into account the latest scientific developments; 
  • international competitive position of Poland compared to selected countries; including the area of health.
  • importance of the factors crucial to the competitive ability of the Polish economy. 

The conference is a hybrid event, participation is free of charge for registered participants. Please use the following link to register to participate in-person or online.