Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Application form Erasmus Social Media internship mobility in International Relations Office of STU11 Травня 2023р.

Application form Erasmus+ Social Media internship mobility in International Relations Office of STU 2023/2024
🧐Who can apply for Social Media Internship at Department of International Relations?
• Ukrainian students currently enrolled in full time studies in Ukraine (pay attention to restrictions from the Ukrainian government)
• Aged minimum 18 upon the beginning of winter semester (18. September 2023)
• English language is prerequisite for the mobility
• Students from management, marketing study fields
Exchange is going to be at International Relations Office.
🤓Evaluation criteria:
• Minimum B2 level from English
• Study results (weighted study average)
• Involvement in publishing, conferences, research activities, projects (stated in CV)
• Other language skills
• Number of completed international exchanges
Tasks of the intern:
• Managing social media accounts (Instagram and Facebook)
• Creating social media content (posts, stories, reels)
• Working with graphic programs (design of brochures, posters)
• Organization of international activities/events- welcome day for incoming students
• Administrative support for Erasmus+ programme
❗️Deadline: the application form will be closed on May 31, 2023 17:00 CET
🗓Duration of mobility: 15.08.2023 - 29.02.2024
Financial support granted by STU: 3150 €, possible to request the prolongation- finanncial support
❗️❗️Cтудентка ФУПСтаП, яка знахоходиться на стажуванні по програмі Erasmus+ в Словацькому Технічному Університеті в Братиславі, особисто зустріне нового стажера та допоможе з адаптацією