Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

EY Festival of Innovation07 Листопада 2023р.

Познайомтеся з жінками, які визначають майбутнє технологій в EY! 🚀
Зануртесь у світ штучного інтелекту разом з EY Festival of Innovation 21-22 листопада.
Why EY Festival of Innovation?
🔅Meet inspiring Women in Tech across Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia (CESA) during the virtual two-day event.
🔅Learn from our great 13 facilitators from 8 countries how the technology trends transform the teams, clients and society.
🔅Explore the leading-edge technology solutions at EY through our virtual sessions provided by the experienced professionals from different areas of the organization, offering an exciting deep dive into key areas of technology: AI and innovation.
🔅Learn about the future skills and innovative solutions that will keep you competitive and help you win on the job market.
🔅Join our engaging and thought-provoking panel discussion on how diversity and inclusion drive innovation at the workplace.
🔅Discover the exciting opportunities a career in technology holds and unlock your potential to make a significant impact.
Розпаліть свою пристрасть до технологій – 👉 реєструйтеся  вже сьогодні! 