Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Dear colleagues and students, we are glad to invite you to our next event "Kaizen (the continuous improvement)"02 Листопада 2015р.

Dear colleagues and students,
we are glad to invite you to our next event 
"Kaizen (the continuous improvement)" which will take place on November 2, at main building of KNEU, room 353.
The number of places is limited! Entrance only with pre-registration!
Please, fill out our registration form to participate in this event!!!

Our participants will receive the invitation e-mails on October 30!



Registration form: https://docs.google.com/a/kneu.edu.ua/forms/d/189XrNLDkM_cMJPoFar5fqiPCilRB2NMc3mx0ON2j6N4/viewform