Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

FuturEU competition 2024- Call for applications31 Січня 2024р.

Do you consider yourself a (euro)visionary? 😉🇪🇺💡 Gear up for this year's #futurEUCompetition! 🚀 Show us how you would shape the EU’s of tomorrow!


🗳️ Next year marks the 10th time European citizens head to the polls. What values will they prioritize? Who will they elect? It's up to you to define the narrative! From crafting an election program to undergoing a democratic vote and transforming your ideas into a policy proposal—this competition empowers you to lead change.


📝 Why wait? Register now for this revamped futurEU competition! Open to all students and PhD researchers of the #CIVICAAlliance.

You can register with a team (🔗 https://www.futureu-initiative.org/registration)

Deadline - 05.02.2024!