Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Call for Applications for students (bachelor level) - University of Lodz (Lodz / Poland)05 Вересня 2019р.

In the context of the Bilateral Agreement between the University of Lodz and KNEU, the University of Lodz invites students for a semester study on the self-financed basis (no fee for studies (education)). The call for application is conducted for 2nd-3rd year bachelor students.


Language of instruction – English.

Duration of study – 5 months.  



-   Transcript of records

-   Motivation Letter (in English)

-   CV (in English)

-   English Certificate IELTS/TOEFL at least B1 level. If students do not have any international certificate, they will have a Skype meeting with representatives of the University of Lodz to verify the level of English.



-   04th October 2019

Please submit all documents to Centre of International Academic Mobility (room 218).