Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

JSC “Ukrtransgaz”24 Червня 2019р.

Vacancy Note

JSC “Ukrtransgaz”

Transmission system operator of Ukraine

Аnalyst in business development department


  • Master’sdegreefrom a reputable University, major in economics, finance, internationalrelations with a record of academic achievement;
  • Сonfident Word,Excel andPowerPoint user;
  • Outstanding analyticskills, ability to present key findings on complex topics in a concise and clear presentation;
  • Fluent English,Ukrainian and Russian – anabsolute requirement;
  • Bright mind, willingness to learn, accuracy, attention to details;
  • Ability to work under challenging deadlinesand to handle multiple tasks;
  • Readiness to work overtime;
  • Strong motivation for further professional development;
  • Understanding of Third energy package fundamentals and Ukrainian gas market is a plus;
  • Working experience in a related field would be an advantage, but is not required.

Main tasks:

  • Supportofnegotiationprocesswithclients, otherTSOs, stateauthoritiesandinternational institutions;
  • Work on interconnection agreements with neighboring TSOs;
  • Participation in projects in international environmentaimed at reforming and liberalization of natural gas market of Ukraine and its integration into the EU market;
  • Analysis of businesses and services of peer companies with the aim of implementation best practices in the company;
  • Preparation of analytical presentations / memos, etc.

We offer:

  • Full-time job
  • Competitive salary (exact value determined after the interview) bonuses
  • Official employment
  • Challenging and ambitious targets
  • Opportunityto advance

