Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

System Administrator06 Травня 2021р.

Looking for System Administrator :muscle:

We are looking for a technical student searching for a remote part-time job in the position of a System Administrator.

For whom?
:small_orange_diamond:A student or a graduate looking to jumpstart his career in IT!
:small_orange_diamond:Written Intermediate English
:small_orange_diamond:Curiosity and genuine interest in System Administration

What is waiting for you?
:small_red_triangle: Join the strong team of IT professionals
:small_red_triangle: Growth opportunity
:small_red_triangle: Part-time job
:small_red_triangle: Enjoy benefits of IT company as education compensation, possibility for remote work, flexible hours, unlimited vacations and corporate parties

See details by the link: https://bit.ly/3h2ipLP

How to apply? :rocket:
:small_red_triangle: Send your CV to hr@visartech.com with the subject "System Administrator"