Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Summer schools for faculty members and master students in EUI, Florence 17-28 June 202421 Лютого 2024р.

Запрошуємо викладачів та студентів магістратури КНЕУ взяти участь у двох семінарах літньої школи EUI Academy of European Law, які відбудуться в European University Institute, Флоренція Італія з 17-28 червня 2024 року за сприяння програми CIVICA for Ukraine.

Детальніше про події:

Two summer courses at the EUI Academy of European Law on 17-28 June 2024:

The Law of the European Union - https://www.eui.eu/apply?id=ael-summer-course-on-the-law-of-the-european-union

Human Rights: Reenactments of the Ongwen Trial - https://www.eui.eu/apply?id=ael-summer-course-on-human-rights

The courses are open to advanced students of law or related fields, including lawyers, specialists, practitioners, professors and researchers.

Financial conditions: 3000 PLN travel + 8 450,00 PLN accommodation + fee (1000 Euro or less as indicated by EUI)

Places are limited, offers are made on a rolling basis, apply as soon as possible.

Deadline for application is 19th April.

Applicants from Ukraine have to indicate on the form that their application is linked to SGH -Polish Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).