Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

West University of Timisoara Summer School 202427 Грудня 2023р.

West University of Timisoara is organizing the 6th Edition of the West University of Timisoara Summer Schoola multi- and inter-disciplinary event aiming to offer Bachelor and Master students the opportunity to participate in a one week short-term study programmes scheduled to take place in Timisoara in June or July 2024.

The event gives students the possibility to choose from a selection of five different courses that mirror the comprehensive character of our university:

Introduction to digital sculpting, digital painting, concept art and game engines

Digital Technologies for Language Research and Applications Summer School (DILARASS)

- Sport and Health at UVT

Responsible and sustainable finance

International Summer School in Social Anthropology: The polycentric city of the ECC2024 Timișoara (ISSSA2024)

Deadline for applications: March 20th 2024 

Participation fee: 80 EURO

More information: posters attached and on website