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The European Parliament offers: Traineeships in the Secretariat (Schuman traineeships)09 Жовтня 2023р.

🌍 The European Parliament offers: Traineeships in the Secretariat (Schuman traineeships).
Traineeships in the Secretariat (Schuman traineeships)
Can I apply? 💪
Applicants for a Schuman traineeship must:
🔻 be aged 18 or over;
🔻 be nationals of a Member State of the European Union or an accession/candidate country (a very limited number of traineeships to nationals of other countries can also be offered);
🔻 hold a university level diploma;
🔻 have a thorough knowledge of one of the official EU languages and a very good knowledge of a second (citizens of non-Member States must have a very good knowledge of either English, French or German);
🔻 provide an eligible criminal record;
🔻 not have worked, or have benefitted from any other type of traineeship, for more than two consecutive months in an EU institution, body or agency;
🔻 not have carried out a study visit at the Secretariat of the European Parliament six months prior to the beginning of the traineeship.
How to apply?
In order to apply, please visit our traineeship application page:
🔻 select and apply for a maximum of three traineeships;
🔻 if you are shortlisted, you will be required to provide certain supporting documents to prove your eligibility;
🔻 if you are selected, you will get an official Admission Letter via email.
The Schuman traineeships are awarded for a period of five months:
🔻 traineeship period 1 October-28/29 February
🔻 you can apply from 1 to 31 May
🔻 traineeship period 1 March-31 July
🔻 you can apply from 1 to 31 October
🔻 Spontaneous applications will not be considered.
To get more info 🤔