Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана


Шановні колеги, дорогі друзі!

У цей тяжкий період ми отримуємо численні листи та повідомлення підтримки від наших міжнародних партнерів: Франції, Німеччини, Австрії, Вірменії, Албанії, Словаччини, Польщі, Грузії, Азербайджану, Киргизстану, Шотландії, Литви... Вибачте, якщо не згадали всіх ... Дякуємо за теплі слова, за ваші думки та молитви...


Дякуємо, що ви з нами...



Metropolitan University of Tirana

Dearest Colleagues,  

We are heartbroken to hear the sad news.... We still can’t believe and we are in sincere shook with the whole situation which I am sure troubles you so much!  

Our heart goes to you and your families... 

Please take care and reach us when possible to ensure you are safe and healthy...

Praying for your safety.


Vienna University of Economics and Business

Dear colleagues,

I wanted to let you know that we once again took the chance (and liberty) and applied for an Erasmus project funding for the cooperation between our institutions. The framework is KA171 (= Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds).

If the application is successful we would potentially be able to support student and/or faculty exchange with a scholarship provided by the Erasmus program. Having said this, I also have to mention that the application procedure is quite competitive and it is by no means certain that our application is going to be successful. So please bear with us and keep your fingers crossed J.

We will receive information about the outcome of the application around June 2022. We’ll keep you updated on this.

By this chance I also wanted to let you know that I will be on educational leave from March 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023.

My colleague Julia Nell, formerly Julia Fischill (julia.nell@wu.ac.at) is returning from her maternity leave on April 1, 2022 and she will take over the Erasmus agenda from me.

Lukas Hefner, our Head of the International Office will also be available in case you have any questions (lukas.hefner@wu.ac.at).

We’re thinking about you and sending our best wishes from Vienna. I hope you’re doing well!


Marlene (Wahlmüller) Fleischanderl

Head of Undergraduate Exchange & International Short Programs Division, International Office

WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Vienna University of Economics and Business

International Office


Poznan University of Economics and Business

Dear friends,

PUEB academic community is deeply concerned about the latest information regarding the attack of the Russian Federation troops on Ukraine territory. In view of these events, we would like to express our absolute solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our disapproval of the actions carried out by the Russian military in Ukraine.

We assure you that the Poznań University of Economics and Business stands in unity with the Ukrainian people.

Full of concern for the gravity of this situation and the consequences of hostilities, our thoughts are with our Friends from Ukraine, especially with close to us Academic Communities of partner Universities.

We are aware that the current situation is particularly difficult for our Ukrainian students. We would like to express our support to the PUEB students from Ukraine, their families and relatives. We assure you that as a University, we are ready to provide you with support and any help within our capabilities.


Дорогі друзі

Академічна спільнота Економічного університету в Познані глибоко стурбована останньою інформацією щодо нападу військ Російської Федерації на територію України. З огляду на ці події, ми хочемо висловити нашу повну солідарність із українським народом та засудження дій російських військових в Україні.

Запевняємо, що Економічний університет перебуває в єдності з українським народом. Сповнені занепокоєння з приводу тяжкості цієї ситуації та наслідків бойових дій, вислювлюємо підтримку для наших друзів з України, особливо для близьких нам академічних спільнот університетів-партнерів.

Ми усвідомлюємо, що нинішня ситуація є особливо складною для наших українських студентів. Хочемо висловити свою підтримку нашим студентам з України, їхнім родинам та рідним. Запевняємо, що наш університет готовий надати вам підтримку та будь-яку допомогу в межах наших можливостей.

Yours faithfully

Elżbieta Gołata


Abertay University

Dear colleagues,

I’m writing to wish you all safety in this awful time. I know there is not much I can say or do but please know that you have our support and we are here if there is anything we can do. Praying for peace in Ukraine.

All my best wishes to you, your colleagues and your families,


Emma Sheldon | Senior International Officer

External and Corporate Relations

Abertay University



Thomas Deissinger, University of Konstanz

Dear Rector and Vice-Rector of KNEU, dear Evgenia,

hoping you can read my message...

With deep concern and disgust we got the news of the war on Ukraine.

On behalf of my team and the University of Konstanz I would like to express our solidarity and moral support.

We deeply hope that you can remain safe despite the terrible perils in your country.  The news coming in this morning are terrible.

Please tell us if and how we can support you. Your students are safe here in Konstanz!

We also pray for you!

All the best

Thomas Deissinger and members of the Department of Economics


Dear Rector Lukianenko,

dear Vice-Rector Chuzhykov,

dear colleagues and friends,

with deep concern and disgust we got the news about the situation in the Ukraine. We are shocked and sad. The pictures of destroyed Kiyv, where so many of us had interesting conversations and great meetings make us stunned. You are a valued cooperation partner and so many of you became friends - our thoughts are with you. We deeply hope that all of you are safe and healthy.

On behalf of the whole University Konstanz I would like to express our solidarity and support. We wish you a lot of strength and resilience and send you our best wishes. Hopefully, peace will soon return and we can continue our academic and scientific cooperation.

We are in touch with your students - they are safe here in Konstanz and we take good care of them.


Sincerely yours

Prof. Katharina Holzinger

Вільнюський університет

Шановні члени університетської спільноти, дорогі колеги!

Новини цієї ночі стали потрясінням для всіх нас. Те, що було предметом наших тривожних дискусій, стало реальністю.

Ми живемо у складні часи, коли як ніколи важливі єдність та здатність діяти спільно. Тому я хотів би звернутися до всіх вас із закликом надати підтримку нашим українським колегам, усім людям України та один одному. Будемо разом зберігати спокій і намагатимемося в межах всіх своїх можливостей брати участь в акціях організованої допомоги.

Вільнюський університет, висловлюючи солідарність з людьми України, яка зазнала агресії з боку Росії, готовий голосно і прямо говорити про порушення прав і свобод громадян, виступати проти обмежень академічного життя та вищої освіти, а також відкрито підтримувати суверенітет Української держави.

З цього дня продовжується заснована влітку 2020-го року стипендія ВКЛ („LDK stipendija“), завдяки якій студенти з Білорусі, які зазнали переслідувань, отримали можливість фінансової підтримки та безкоштовного навчання у Вільнюському університеті. Ці стипендії будуть доступні і студентам з України, якщо події, що відбуваються, завадять їх навчанню та прагненню до вищої освіти.

З метою забезпечення безперервності академічної діяльності Вільнюський університет надасть одержувачам стипендії ВКЛ можливість обирати програми і рівня бакалаврату, і рівня магістратури. Усі витрати на навчання університет візьме на себе, а найбільш здібні студенти протягом першого року навчання отримуватимуть щомісячну стипендію.

Заявки на отримання стипендії можна подавати вже зараз.

Крім того, ми готові шукати й інші засоби підтримки членів університетських спільнот наших українських партнерів. Це стосується і пошуку притулку, і будь-якої іншої необхідної допомоги. Свою рішучість ділитися інформацією, знаннями та ресурсами ми вже висловили у своєму зверненні до наших українських університетів-партнерів.

Фасад Вільнюського університету, що засяяв увечері 22 лютого кольорами державного прапора України, і надалі буде символом нашої підтримки всіх ініціатив, спрямованих на підтримання ідей демократії та надання допомоги Українській державі та її людям.

Університет підтримує та об’єднує історично близькі народи України, Білорусі, Польщі та Литви. Він зобов’язується й надалі поширювати цей заклик та засуджувати будь-які порушення академічних і будь-яких інших свобод.

Університети несуть величезну відповідальність за виховання нового покоління, здатного критично мислити, яке любить свою країну і готове стати на її захист. У темні часи спільна університетська солідарність поєднує всіх, хто вірить у цінності свободи та демократії.

Збережемо спокій та впевненість у спільній боротьбі за свободу людей України та всього нашого регіону!

Пожертвування можна переказати на сайті фонду Вільнюського університету. Всі гроші будуть направлені членам академічної спільноти України, які найбільше потребують їх. https://vuf.lt/projektai/ukrainai/


Prof. Rimydas Petrauskas



Vytautas Magnus University

Dear Ukrainian friends

As You know Lithuania is one of the countries which are directly supporting Ukraine in such difficult time with the military equipment and financial sources. Of course we are small country and our possibilities are limited.

However I feel personal duty express high solidarity with Your country and your army in resisting the crazy monsters coming from the Empire of Evil with the head of this empire nazi Putin.

We are sure that the black forces of our common enemy will not win and finally Ukraine will be with us in joined Europe



and my colleagues from International Cooperation Department

A group of people holding a banner Description automatically generated with medium confidence


University of Redlands

Dear KNEU, 

We, your colleagues at the University of Redlands, are dismayed at the mass violence currently being inflicted on Ukraine by Mr. Putin’s senseless pursuit of regional dominance.  We deplore the destruction and loss of life such misguided actions have produced. As we know well through our interaction with the KNEU students in our joint programs and summer seminars, the Ukrainian people are hopeful, spirited, amiable individuals engaged in a determined process of bettering themselves and advancing their society.  

In its own small way, the cooperation between the University of Redlands and KNEU exemplifies the intellectual openness and global engagement that leaders in the Kremlin find frightening. While we are too far away to offer practical assistance, we do belong to international networks (in Europe) that have offered to assist Ukrainian students. Let us know if you need such help and we can try to connect you. 

Please know that the thoughts of the Redlands community are with the Ukrainian people at this dire time. We long for a swift end to the invasion of Ukraine and a resumption of conditions in which KNEU can continue, in peace, its mission of educating generations of Ukraine’s students.   

Stay strong,

Gerald Groshek, Ph.D.


School of Business

University of Redlands


Warsaw School of Economics

Dear Partners and Friends,

in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we would like to inform you about the current situation and measures implemented at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Let us reassure you that our university is constantly monitoring and responding to the unfolding situation.

We would like to ensure you that the security, safety and well-being of all our students are our top priority. We want to assure you that all members of the SGH community, regardless of their origin and nationality, can count on our support.

The current situation in Poland remains stable. SGH, including SGH International Center, does its best to provide continuous support in all matters and requests responding to all kinds of needs of our students.

The incoming exchange students can contact for assistance the Incoming Students section at SGH International Centre:

  • Erasmus+ KA103/131 and CEMS MIM students: Ms Marta Sent-Pawłowska (msent@sgh.waw.pl, +48 22 564 98 47)
  • Erasmus+ KA107 and overseas students: Ms Monika Komorek (mkomore@sgh.waw.pl, +48 22 564 98 43)

Additionally, we offer psychological assistance for all students and staff available both in English and Polish, both in-person and online. For more information on psychological support that we offer please refer to the website.

For security reasons, we strongly advise all the students not to travel to the countries of the Eastern part of Europe, particularly to Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Please, be advised, that all the flights to Belarus, Ukraine and Russia are suspended.

Please keep up with our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: https://www.gov.pl/web/diplomacy/news-

In this unprecedented time, we express our solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian Nation and have implemented special measures to support those in need. Since the support is extremely important to our Ukrainian friends, we encourage you to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people at this challenging time of human suffering and struggle for life, freedom, democracy, and dignity.

We also welcome any volunteers and ideas for helping Ukrainian people. These can be reported to: pomoc.ukrainie@sgh.waw.pl.

Should you have any queries regarding the situation please contact me (mchromy@sgh.waw.pl), Ms Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Director (kkacpe@sgh.waw.pl) and Mr Grzegorz Augustyniak, Deputy Director (august@sgh.waw.pl).

With best wishes,



Mykolas Romeris University

Dear academic community of Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadym Hetman,

Our community expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community and believes that unification will bring hope and strength to the struggle for freedom.

Expressing its support for the Ukrainian people and actively responding to recent events, MRU has prepared a plan of support measures, which includes humanitarian, legal and other assistance measures for both Ukrainians studying at the university and partners in Ukraine. MRU is ready to promptly seek various ways to support the partner university communities in the international space and to provide prompt assistance, if necessary, asylum or support.

Please be assure that our university is always here to help you and we would like you to know that at our university is available this support:

  • Representatives of the academic community and their families will be accommodated in MRU dormitories in Vilnius and Kaunas as needed - 100 rooms have already been planned and prepared for 290 people.  
  • Lecturers and their family members will be able to continue working remotely while in Lithuania - the university will provide temporary computer space.
  • Students of Ukrainian universities who have arrived in Lithuania will be able to continue their studies in a secure MRU environment if their studies at their universities are organized remotely.
  • MRU is ready to offer free studies and temporary financial assistance to Ukrainian citizens whose studies are already disrupted or for whom it will become impossible to pursue higher education in Ukraine. For admission to MRU, please contact us by e-mail study@mruni.eu or this phone number +370 5 271 4674.
  • Ukrainian citizens who are unable to continue their studies at the country’s universities can contact the MRU Center for Academic Affairs by email. e-mail arc@mruni.eu on the possibility of continuing studies through the credit transfer procedure obtained at Ukrainian universities.
  • Due to possible financial difficulties for existing MRU students from Ukraine, tuition / accommodation fees may be deferred for 3 months.
  • Possibility to bring people to the university from the Polish border.
  • Psychologists working at the university are ready to provide services to all members of the academic community.

If you have any questions about accommodation, transport, please contact us at this phone number +370 659 732 82 (weekdays and weekends).

Our university strongly supports Ukraine and its people and we are ready to help all of you. Let us know if you need any help.



Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann, University of Bremen

Dear colleagues,

dear friends,

on February 24, 2022 we woke up in another world. Due to the barbarian attack of the Russian Federation against the sovereign and democratic Ukraine, we are worry about all our cooperation partners and good friends.

At the moment we try to find solutions for all cooperation partners who can leave Kyiv and try to come to Bremen. We know the situation in Kyiv in particular, but some could already leave Kyiv.

We want to keep in touch with you and we try to help whatever we can do.

We think of you.


University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna

Dear colleagues,

Together with our national and international partner institutions from science and research, the UAS BFI Vienna is committed to the European values of peace, democracy, rule of law, human rights and freedom.

We take a clear stand against any form of violence to impose world views and opinions on another party. In this sense, we strongly condemn the violent attack on Ukraine. Discussions characterized by mutual respect and tolerance are the first and only means of choice to find a jointly supported solution in conflicts of any kind.

In these dark hours, our solidarity goes out to all people in Ukraine. Our special sympathy goes to all Ukrainian students and their families and friends on the ground in their home country as well as researchers in Ukraine and worldwide. Our thoughts are with them.

As a visible sign of our solidarity and with the aim to support possible cases of hardship, tuition fees will be waived for Ukrainian students if needed.

All Ukrainian students who are currently with us are provided with the best possible care and support.


With the highest hopes for peace

Andreas Breinbauer (Rector)

Eva Schiessl-Foggensteiner (Managing Director)

Ingrid Pleschberger (Head of International Office)


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Dear colleagues,

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) would like to express our deepest support to you, your family, students and all the Ukrainians. I hope these words can give you at least some comfort. 

At ViA, Latvia, we have prepared a package of assistance measures for the people of Ukraine fleeing the war. Please share this information with your colleagues, students, anyone who might find it useful.

At ViA we offer:

  1. Places for immediate reception of Ukrainian war refugees in our dormitories for 50 people. In May, we will increase our capacity to 130 people.
  2. University financed study places for 20 people in our study programs in English. The information about the study programs is available in the subsection “Study here” at https://va.lv/en. To apply, please write the initial note to international@va.lv. The application form for international students will be available on our wesite https://va.lv/en by mid-March. 
  3. Also researchers can have the opportunity to continue their research in our laboratories: https://va.lv/en/research/laboratory.

Study places are offered in the following study programmes:


Title of the study programme 


Level of study 


Study places financed by ViA, priority to students from Ukraine 

Information Technology 




Media and Information Literacy  




Strategic Communication and Governance 




Business Environment Administration 




Tourism Competitveness Management 




Cybersecurity Engineering  




Virtual Reality and Smart Technologies  




Sociotechnological Systems Modelling 




Economics and Business 









As members of the European University Alliance and as your friends and supporters, we stand firm in your right to freedom and independence. You can find enclosed statement prepared by the Alliance partners in the attachment.
Information on any issues related to entry, residence and job opportunities in Latvia is available at this link: https://www.mfa.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/palidzibas-sniegsana-ukrainai-un-ukrainas-begliem-kur-versties

About the possibilities of receiving assistance directly in our city Valmiera: https://www.valmierasnovads.lv/palidzibas-organizesana-valmieras-novada/   

We hope that you are safe and well. If there is anything else needed, feel free to contact us.


Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

Dear Partners, Dear Friends,

On behalf of Professor Boguslawa Drelich-Skulska, Vice-Rector for Accreditation and International Cooperation at and other Authorities at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, I send  to you our full and unconditional solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Please, find attached the letter from Prof. Boguslawa Drelich-Skulska.


University of Economics in Bratislava

Dear colleagues,

first of all, let my express my deepest sympathies to you, your University and Ukraine as a whole country. I wanted to write you this e-mail as a support as well as to show you that University of Economics in Bratislava and whole Slovakia stand with you.  


We as a University have supported all Ukraine students and staff by providing them with free accommodation, transportation and financial as well as with psychological support.  


I hope you and your families are staying safe!


Leipzig Graduate School of Management


University of Economics in Katowice


Albino Reis, Cenertec 

Dear Friends

I woul like you to know that I, my wife, my son, my daughter, my two grand-sons, my grand-daughter, my whole family and the Portuguese are with you.

We pray for peace in your Country and we admire your People very much.

We all hope that peace will come soon

Long live Ukraine

Love from all of us

Albino Reis


Powiśle University