Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Bucharest Summer University 202327 Квітня 2023р.

We are delighted to announce that the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students’ Union, through the Students’ Senate, with the scientific mentorship of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems (CIG) will organize this upcoming summer, between 13th and 27th of August 2023, the 17th edition of Bucharest Summer University, featuring the following theme:

” Corporate Sustainability Reporting - Challenges&Opportunities ”

Please find attached the formal invite to the Summer University . We promise them two weeks full of interesting courses, amazing trips and unforgettable memories.

You may find more details about the possibilities of application or information about this project by accessing the official Bucharest Summer University website: www.bsu.ase.ro, through our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BSU2k23 or by sending an e-mail at application@bsu.ase.ro.