Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Lake Constance Summer School 202327 Квітня 2023р.

1. Lake Constance Summer School (former IBH Summer School)

After having to offer the summer program virtually last year, we are happy to announce that we will offer a blended summer school this year.

Key Facts

  • The program will start online from 1 to 11 August, followed by an in-person experience from 14 to 24 August.
  • The German Course is taught on the levels A1 to B2.2, consists of 76 teaching units and is granted 6 ECTS.
  • Fee: 580€ included all activities like Sightseeing Tours, BBQ, Museum, etc.
  • Accommodation is not included, but can be booked additionally (approx. 58€/night).
You can find more detailed information on the Summer School in the attached documents and on our website.
Online applications are already open until May 15th - so get registrated!

Please feel free to reach out to me or the program coordinator Carola Haessler (lake.constance.international@uni-konstanz.de) directly should you have any questions.

We're looking forward to welcome your students in Konstanz this August!