Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Партнерство в бізнесі_073_Менеджмент бізнес-організацій (англ. мова)


 «Partnership in Business»

Recommended for applicants of the first(bachelor) degree of higher education.

The purpose of the discipline is to learn the basics and gain the skills of working with business opportunities by realizing the potential of partnerships by companies and individual managers. In a post-industrial economy, competitive advantage is often achieved through the ability to establish and maintain partnerships. Who is the best partner in a new business- a professional expert or “an old friend”?How to become a reliable partner for teams and companies?Do yougive preference to professionalism or friendship?Is it possible to "make friends" with a competitor? How to maintain effective partnerships with partners from other countries and even continents? The answers to these and many other questions can be found while studying “Partnership in Business” course.

Partnership in business is a fundamental tool for the competitiveness of companies in the market by supporting various business models (franchising, outsourcing, cluster, ecosystem, B2B, B2C, C2C, etc.).Finding reliable partners is a critical competence of every manager, based on - developed emotional intelligence, the ability to build trust, and work in a team.

Interdisciplinary connections. Before studying the discipline "Partnership in Business", students must have a specific knowledge base in economic theory (macro-and microeconomics), entrepreneurship, management, psychology.Moreover, it is needed to work with information (its collection, generalization, systematization, critical perception), including the ability to use modern digital technologies and online platforms.

Learning outcomes and methods, diagnostic tools (evaluation forms)

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes from the academic discipline "Partnership in business" in accordance with learning outcomes

The result of learning


Diagnostic tools




essence and principles of business partnership;

lectures, discussions

Surveys, test control, individual tasks


prerequisites for partnership formation;

discussions, case studies


methods of establishing and maintaining partnership relations in business;

case studies, training


factors determining the success of a business partnership;



business formats of partnership, features of partnership development in a team.

lectures, making intelligence maps(mind maps), group projects, case studies




establish interpersonal partnerships in the business environment;

educational game, training

Analysis of individual works (projects, reports), reflection


identify the factors determining the nature of partnership relations of enterprises, their dynamics in space and time;

case studies, brainstorming


analyze the impact of changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise on the choice of a business partnership format;

brainstorming, preparing presentations


predict the impact of partnership in the organization on the results of its activity.

brainstorming, foresight




the ability to maintain business communication (public speeches, negotiations, conducting meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications, etc.);

educational game, training

Analysis of individual works (projects, reports), reflection


the ability to work in a team and interact with individuals when managing business and teams



the ability to form partnership relations of the enterprise with its interested parties (stakeholders).

discussion, brainstorming


Responsibility and autonomy


the ability to independently make decisions regarding the implementation of partnership intentions during management and demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility for their implementation.

case studies, brainstorming

Presentation and analysis of thegroup projects , reflection

Content of the academic discipline by topics:

Module 1. Philosophy of business partnership

Topic 1. The nature of modern business: VUCA vs BANIworld

Topic 2. The phenomenon of business partnership

Topic 3. Forming a business partnership in a multicultural environment

Topic 4. Corporate social responsibility in business as a model of partnership

Module 2. Practical tools of business partnership

Topic 5. Business formats of enterprise partnerships: outsourcing, franchising, cluster

Topic 6. Partnership in a team

Topic 7. Networking as a tool of business partnership

Topic 8. Online platforms to support partnerships

Teaching personnel:

Maliarchuk Olha, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, maliarchuk.olha@kneu.edu.ua

Kubareva Iryna, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department,


Recommended information sources:

1. Hrebeshkova O. M., Maliarchuk O. H., Kubareva I. V. Liderstvo ta partnerstvo v biznesi: Praktykum. K.: KNEU, 2021.

2. Hrebeshkova O. M., Makhova H. V. Stratehichni partnerstva pidpryiemstv. Kyiv : KNEU,

2012. 401 s.

3. Kovi Stiven R. 7 zvychok nadzvychaino efektyvnykh liudei. Kh.: «Klub simeinoho dozvillia», 2012

4. Lehavi Dorene. Business Partnership Essentials. Boston/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Inc., 2018.

5. Roger Fisher, William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. / Editor Bruce Patton, 3rd edition, Houghton Mifflin, 2011

6. Patrick Lencioni. The five dysfunctions of a team. / The official guide to conducting the five dysfunctions’ workshops for teams and team leaders. Second edition

Остання редакція: 03.02.23