Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Summer Courses Catholic University of Valencia08 Лютого 2024р.

We are delighted to share with you Summer Schools for this year. 


Spanish Language and Culture Summer School, A1 and A2 levels:

We're excited to present a unique opportunity for your students to elevate their Spanish language skills and experience the vibrant culture of Valencia:

  • A1 level: 17 June 2024-28 June 2024
  • A2 level: 1 July 2024-12 July 2024

Students can enrol in one or both sessions and will be awarded with 3 ECTS for each course (6 ECTs if they attend both). Don't miss out on this enriching experience and apply by 31 May!


Winemaking Industry Summer Course - Sustainability and Challenges

This unique summer course is focused on the Winemaking Industry in Spain and will dive students into the Winemaking Industry, sustainability practices and industry challenges. This program provides a comprehensive understanding of the viticulture landscape with interactive visits to wine cellars in Valencia and case-based studies.

The course is from 24 June to 5 July 2024, and participants will be awarded with 6 ECTS.  Apply before 31 May, limited places!




If you have any question, would be glad to help you at: studyabroad@ucv.es.