Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Еразмус Тиждень Стажування для викладачів в Університеті м.Констанц09 Вересня 2022р.

Dear estimated Erasmus+ ICM partner,

We are very pleased to announce our Erasmus+ Staff Week in December 2022 at the University of Konstanz, Germany.

This year's topic will be "Sustainable.together. Approaches and Challenges towards a sustainable University of Konstanz.”

The Staff Week will take place 5 - 8 December 2022 (arrival day on Sunday, departure day on Thursday / Friday).

Climate Change and the green transformation challenges all aspects of our society and Higher Education Institutions find different answers. It strongly affects future international mobility programs and forms of collaboration.

We would like to invite you to discuss and exchange ideas about

  • Strategy & Governance
  • Sustainability in practice such as energy saving mechanisms, AirTravelPolicy and student initiatives
  • Teaching Sustainability and enhancing engagement, e.g. “Qualifikation N”
  • Sustainability and International Affairs

The Konstanz Staff Training Week is an opportunity to discuss different approaches of how higher institutions approach sustainability, and esp. the green transition in the international context, discuss strategies of International Offices as well as new ways of internal collaboration.

An inspiring key note will introduce you to our new Sustainability Staff Unit and our strategy, followed by presentations of different Konstanz' examples. Nevertheless, we would be delighted to include presentations of participants and thus get a full picture of universities' engagement worldwide. In addition, general information about the University of Konstanz and social events are included. You will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from the departments. The language of communication will be English. 

Further information can be found at https://www.uni-konstanz.de/international-office/in-konstanz-forschen-arbeiten-lehren/erasmus-personalmobilitaet-und-gastdozenturen-inbound-mobility/erasmus-staff-days-dec-2022/ and here.

Для участі у конкурсі просимо зацікавлених викладачів надсилати на ciam@kneu.edu.ua до 25 вересня 2022 включно:

  • CV у форматі  Europass
  • Мотиваційний лист англійською мовою
  • Перелік публікацій за темою Еразмус Тижня.

Чекаємо на Ваші заявки та бажаємо успіхів!