Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

  • 29 Жовтня 2020 р. Management of Efficiency of the Energy and Resource Saving Innovative Projects at the Processing Enterprises (164,1 KB)
    Завантажив: Самборський Олександр Володимирович
    Тип публікації: Інші матеріали
    Посилання: /ua/publications/met_a_fin_rin/images/icons/pdf.png&act=p_id(9823) Introduction and optimization of the use of the energy and resource saving innovations in the production process of enterprises is one of the main conditions ensuring stable development of the economy of any country. Due to the high level of consumption of fuel, energy raw and auxiliary materials, the introduction of these innovations is relevant for processing plants. At the same time, management of the energy and resource saving innovations at these enterprises is complicated by the lack of investment in the processing industry as a whole, low efficiency of use of the enterprise own financial resources and high level of the credit risk inherent in the innovation projects. In this regard, the aim of the article is to develop a methodology for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative energy and resource saving projects. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, abstract and logical method. The proposed as a result of the study method of assessing economic efficiency of innovative projects on the energy and resource saving can be used in the process of integrated management of the energy and resource saving innovations at the processing plants by implementing basic standards of resource management taking into account possible risks.Keywords: processing enterprise, management, resources, energy, innovative project, investment, methodology.JEL Codes: D24, O32. Місцезнаходження публікації