Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

IRES02 Квітня 2019р.





Integrated Real Estate Services Provider (IRES) is looking for a new colleague to become a valuable part of Facility Management Team at our corporate client office space.


Legal full time employment is with FRB. Actual constant place of work in the office of our international client, located in professional Business Center (13, PimonenkoStreet, Lykianivskadistrict).


We welcome smart, energetic, experienced and open face new friend to our team for long term mutual work.  Our new colleague will operate as administrator/receptionist within normal working hours (08.00-17.00 or 10.00-19.00).


Knowledge of Englishis the must (advanced/upper intermediate):telephone conversations, face to face meetings, translation of the texts, and letters on the request. We’ll request a colleague to present the knowledge of English during interview process. 



  1. Meeting visitors inthe office / Offering tea, coffee, water etc;

  2. Managing documentation:

  3. (register) for guests, clients, etc.;

  4. copying and scanning documents, etc.;

  5. Reception and forwarding of incoming phone calls, faxes;

  6. Processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence (reception, registration and redirection);

  7. Making orders for sending and sending mail by courier services and by mail;

  8. Receiving of office supplyto the company office;

  9. Administration and supporting with an office e-mail account;

  10. Organization of material and technical support of rooms for negotiations for meetings

  11. Assistance in translation of documents for presentations;

  12. Reporting;

  13. Communication with the technical service of the Business Center;

  14. Registration of passes for new employees;

  15. Interaction with all departments of the Company and companies providing the services is necessary for theresolution of issues in the office;

  16. Visiting the post office for the purpose of sending / receiving letters;

  17. The organization of reception of deliveries (the order of a cargo parking, a meeting of loaders at a freight elevator, etc.);

  18. Сooperationwith IFM department and support on the request;


Main skills and abilities:

  • Excellent communication skills;

  • Advance use of computer;

  • Advance level of knowledgeMicrosoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Outlook;

  • Ability to effectively work in multi task environment during the working day;


Salary package: 15000,00 UAH  net salary per working month after all taxes by the company.

Надсилайте Ваше резюме на адресу: hr@frbrokerage.net

Контактній телефон: +38 095 276 77773 Анастасія Тімакова
